An exciting new class is being offered at the Historium next month! Vicky York, Certified Master Porcelain Artist, will teach a beginner's china painting series in which participants will learn to paint a hummingbird on a china saucer. The cost is $100 for three painting sessions, three firings, all paint and supplies. Plus, Vicky will be conducting a tour of her home studio and firing room for those taking the class. Dates for the classes are Sept 4, 11 and 18, from 10-12, at the Historium.
Vicky began learning this beautiful craft at age 19, and she has become a Master, teaching all over the country and in Europe for many years. Her works have been featured on the covers of professional publications and she has won many awards at competitions and shows. When Vicky and her husband retired to Ozark County two years ago, she decided she was not going to travel to teach any longer. But she paints every day and is now ready to do a few classes at the local level
You may sign up at the Historium or call there at 417-679-2400; or you can email at Classes must be prepaid, and a minimum of six participants is needed.
Many fine examples of Vicky's work are also now on display at the Historium and may be viewed during regular hours of operation -- 10-2, Monday through Friday. The exhibit will be in place through September 18. There is no charge to see these beautiful works of art.
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